In Batman Begins we have this guy, calling himself Henri Ducard, and calls Bruce Wayne to join their cause of justice, and later is found out to be Ra's Al-Ghul, Batman leaves him to die after Ducard tried to kill every person in Gotham city cause it's soiled with crime.
Question is there a comic origin of Henri Ducard?

Detective Comics 600, first significance of Henri Ducard
Back in 1988 Bruce Wayne had to face consequences of aiding out of country people who oppose America, that was caused by a cartel that inserted itself in Wayne Enterprises and took liberty of forgery of Bruce's signature and taking charges, making a project transferring minds to other people who have biochips planted in their brains, that was revealed back in Detective Comics 598
The Cartel almost found the truth about Bruce Wayne? Maybe so, they checked into his background and found his past bad for his reputation, they used that against him, and forged a charge on Bruce after he almost shut down their project, the Cartel hired Ducard to be a witness against their employer

The first actual appearance of Henri was in Detective Comics 599 in a flashback, in Batman's quest for training he hounded Ducard -a former member of the Interpol- to train him how to detect
Unlucky for Bruce, the former Interpol member who was wanted by 4 countries sought after Batman to fill his empty time

Studying Batman's prowess as a detective he discovered how some criminals are so attached to Batman they were putting things in his way to make him find them, and thought Batman is quite an overrated Detective

Seeing that Bruce did something ruthless (not knowing Bruce wouldn't have gone through it if not for some heavy persuasion) Henri didn't do what the cartel brought him to do, instead he saved Bruce and was proud of him, leaving America cause he is not welcomed there
A former member of the Interpol, a french, a great detective, a bit ruthless, that was Henri Ducard from the comics, that was the name used for Ra's disguising himself
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