Wednesday, 20 January 2010


No. 4 has a red X marked on it denying this number, cause we won't have Spider-Man 4 kids, the rumors are true: SPIDER-MAN FILM FRANCHISE GETS REBOOTED

The question Mark is me wondering: What Will The Suit Look Like In The Reboot?


Fanboy Wife said...

Does this mean that Sam Raimi is free for Evil Dead 4?

Deadpoolite said...

Supposedly they are going to go for the Ultimate Spiderman look and feel (although to be honest the costume is not particularly different in that series). I kinda of have mixed feelings about this reboot but maybe something could can come out of it.

Or something 'Electra' bad... , LOL!

Sol (Frederick) Badguy said...

@Fanboy Wife: Possibly, possibly Sam will look forward for different projects

@Deadpoolite: I heard rumors that the reboot director is a real fan of Ultimate direction and he might go that way.

Are you trying to frighten me? Cause it worked long before I see this last line